Sharon Geraghty Life story with ASA provider
After Mum and Dad died and before coming to live with Janet and Mick I was living with 2 younger brothers and they were not very nice to me. I had no money they took all my pension, I had no nice clothes no food and they would lock me in my bedroom all week end. They would not buy me things I asked for when they went shopping. I had no nice clothes and I did not go any where nice.
On 18th February 1998,
I came to live with Janet and Mick
I was very shy, would not talk to any one, I would keep my head down and not look at anyone. I followed Janet every where she went. I would ask who that man was when Mick came home from work.
I would not do anything for myself. I have epilepsy and can have bad seizures.
I was anxious and panicky.
Janet used to take me back to the day centre at Sleaford in the early days in her car.
After 8 weeks I decided to live with Janet and Mick, I did numbers and reading skills at evening class and went to Shaw Trust to do my sums. I worked in the kitchen there with a lady called Tracey. At the end of the day I would help Tracey count up the money. I also did cleaning and washing up there. Pam took the sums class and she had a dog that used to sit on my lap. I used the computer there. I completed my OCR certificates in numeracy.
My friend there was Frances and we worked together. When the Book People left things I would buy things from them.
I have worked at Sudley House, a home for the elderly. I went there on a bus ran by Cottage Crafts. My boss’s name was Bella. I helped with washing up and chat to the residents. We went for a day out to Sandringham House and Hunstanton.
When Shaw Trust closed I tried working in a charity shop for cat rescue as I am very fond of cats.
I now work at Thistles nursery three days a week and I enjoy the company there. I clean pots and pot up seedlings. Janet takes me and brings me home again.
I now have contact with some of my brothers and sister. Pat, my sister contacted Social Services and I did not want to see them. Pat tried again a year later and we met at the Chappell Centre with my social worker, and then with Janet I went to Morrisons for lunch. I now have contact with my brothers who were good to me – Robert, Michael and Brian who are nice. I have stayed with Brian and his wife. They have now moved to the Isle of Wight and later this year Robert is taking me to stay with them.
It is better for me now as I have my own bedroom and I can come and go as I please. I have just bought new bedroom furniture. I buy new clothes as I need them with support from Janet.
I get my weekly money from the bank and Janet helps me to pay what I need to live with her. I have money in my purse to spend as I like.
I enjoy the Christmas meal with other clients and carers.
I like it when other people come and stay.
I can iron my clothes and sometimes I do some for Janet!!
I can make a sandwich for myself. When visitors come I make them a cup of tea.
Janet has a caravan at Heacham and it’s very nice. I have my own room there with my own T.V. so I can watch Manchester United when they play.
While I am there, I enjoy taking the dog for a walk, going to play bingo, going to the shops to buy the daily paper and odd bits.
I am able to make my own decisions and think for myself about how to do things e.g. Once when at the caravan Mick needed some hearing aid batteries so I asked at the chemist if they had any and they didn’t but told me they were available at the doctors surgery and I went and got some Janet and Mick did not know I had done this. Another time Mick had a sore throat and I heard Janet say he needed some sugar free lozenges so again I went to the chemist and found him some.
Sadly Mick passed away on 18th May 2009 which made me very sad.
Janet usually takes me out for meal on my birthday in June; I get some lovely presents from the family.
I get to go to family get ‘togethers’.
I have had some of my medication reduced and I have had no seizures for a long while. The reduction in medication means I am more alert and will talk with people and at my review meetings I am able to say what I want and be part of the meeting.
To sum it all up: “I am very happy here we have one nice dog called Flash.