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    Jayne Marsh Profile

    July 14th, 2016 posted in ASA, ASA Announcements, ASA In The News, ASA Resources, Jigsaw, Uncategorized

    Jayne Marsh Profile   Registered Manager, Jayne Marsh has been part of Adults Supporting Adults (ASA) or the local authority Adult Placement Scheme as it was previously known, since its early years in 1992. Jayne has been involved in nursing and adult social care since 1974 and has seen many changes in how society cares […]

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    June 17th, 2016 posted in ASA, ASA Announcements, ASA Resources, Daytime Provision, Spriteleys

    “My father loves attending Spriteleys in Grantham on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. He’s a people person and really enjoys the sociability of the meetings, but at the age of 91 and with a short-term memory that isn’t great he needs a fair bit of help.  He very much appreciates the kindness of those in charge and […]

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    Adults Supporting Adults Secure Cabinet Office Funding for Mental Ill Health Study

    June 13th, 2016 posted in ASA, ASA Announcements, ASA In The News, ASA Resources

    County based organisation, Adults Supporting Adults (ASA), have been awarded a yearlong grant by the Government’s Cabinet Office to record the impact of their Shared Lives services on people with mental ill health who live in the community. Shared Lives is a unique form of care, whereby a person who needs support is carefully matched […]

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    Adults Supporting Adults – Our Team and Services

    May 23rd, 2016 posted in ASA, ASA Resources, Daytime Provision, Extended Stay, Respite Resource, Shop2gether, Sitting Service

    Adults Supporting Adults Our Services Day Time Provision The resource can be an activity or community led support and is provided on a one-to-one basis, for example: -Support to develop domestic skills, such as cooking and managing personal finances -Making friends in the community -Attending Adult Education Classes -Supporting clients back to work -Or, just […]

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    Inspiration To All

    April 11th, 2016 posted in ASA, ASA Announcements, ASA In The News, ASA Resources, Spriteleys

    On Friday afternoon, 8th April 2016, 99 year old Annie Welby was invited to the Mayor of Grantham’s Parlour to be presented with a ‘Point of Light’ Award, signed by the Prime Minister himself, the Rt Hon David Cameron. Annie who has been a volunteer with the Spriteleys Day Group for over 25 years in […]

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