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    Adults Supporting Adults – It does what it says in the name.

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    Where do I start? Well I guess the beginning, so here goes.

    My name is Pauline, I have a Day Time Provider who is employed by Adults Supporting Adults, she is called Steph and during the years of support she has helped me overcome a number of hurdles. But this is one that I’d like to share with you all.

    When I was 8 years old I was pushed into the swimming pool and I have never been in the water again. I got to the age of 60 years old and my DTP did something that was asking me if I have faith and trust in her (what was to come next nobody had ever done).

    Due to life experience she encouraged me to get into a swimming costume, argh!! Next she put a towel round me and walked with me out into the public swimming pool (what a day!) Next she asked me to put my arms in hers and with her gentle words of encouragement, to remove the towel and to take gentle steps towards the small swimming pool and to step onto the steps just feeling the water on my feet.

    I honestly didn’t know what was to become of a journey of such expectation. We just held on to the rail and to each other’s arms and walked into the pool with my feet touching the bottom. This continued the same the following week, I still felt very afraid but my DTP was always close by encouraging me.

    On the third week we went in and this is when things changed again in my life. To my surprise, the small pool was closed. My DTP suggested we go in the big pool, I don’t think anyone really knew how truly frightened I was. But once again, with the DTP encouraging me and helping me believe in myself we were in the big pool standing on the steps. I always felt calm with my DTP. This was another new experience and was to bring a whole new confidence in the pool.

    I put everything in my DTP’s trust and in her listening to what I was doing each week. I was struggling in the shallow water, but my DTP never gave up. She always saw something positive every week we went.

    Another new thing happened; the regular swimmers were saying “hello” and “what a big step” it was for me to actually get in the water without a towel. Steph explained to them what we were doing and how having to be in the open public time gave me room for what I was doing, as I needed to be near the wall.

    Weeks turned into months and then one year had gone by. I was now feeling a little free but I always had a hidden fear. But guess what? I started to do a badge for 10m and then 20m. I never thought I would do one but my DTP had faith (that special word)

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    Pep Talk with Steph, one of my DTPs. Feeling calm and confident. 


    Later in the year we started going twice a week and I was looking forward for those days to come around, even though in my head I had a little niggle of fear. Before long, I was going pass the half way mark and advancing to swimming to the 25 meter wall. My DTP was close by so I finally did a full length of the 25 meters and got another badge.

    My next hurdle was to build up my stamina and with encouragement I was doing between 20 and 25 lengths.

    As a tribute to all who have helped me and supported me I wanted to do something and to make a special effort. My DTP worker suggested the Sport Relief 60 Length Swim.

    And yes, I have just done it in 3 sessions. I still can’t believe it but there’s a lesson to you all out there. My advice is that if I can do it so can you with faith and encouragement.

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    I did it!! Look at my medal – and dare I say, I’m proud of me!!!

    This little journey is a big thank you to all who have helped me.

    Thank you.
    Pauline Revill

    Pauline we are all proud of you at Adults Supporting Adults too. Well done to you and Steph, what a wonderful achievement. 

    May 25th, 2016

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